Saturday 9 July 2011

It has been a very long time since I posted anything on my blog, which was a New Year's resolution to start but clearly not to maintain! Must get back on top of writing and adding new posts to our life as The Four of Us.

Tuesday 24 February 2009

In retrospect we think, we know (!), it would have been more relaxing to stay at home..... Two young boys is a lot of work :o)

Hamish enjoyed himself very much and kept telling us he was on his holidays, he enjoyed the pool, the soft play area and the novelty of being somewhere totally different. On our journey up to Aviemore we stopped at Aberfeldy and did a lovely walk which takes in a huge waterfall. Hamish walked the whole route, his sturdy little legs kept him going for an hour and a half. We were very impressed. It was fairly steep to start with, but he managed, and then he ran and jumped his way down - spurred on by the incentive that he could have a snack when he got to the car. I didn't take any pictures as I had to hang on to him the whole way, he is faster than me already!

Finlay is still desperately trying to crawl, and you can see him longing to follow us all around. We will keep practicing with him! His big achievement over the weekend was he clapped for the first time. He was a bit unsettled one evening so we brought him through with us to help him nod off and in the dark lying between us we watched as he clapped his hands together, then he fell asleep as if it had taken it out of him!

Everyone was happy to be home on Sunday afternoon. Hotels are definitely only good for a few nights, it is self catering for us in June. The joys of children!

Hope you are all well.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Finlay has started to play peeka boo with us! He lifts his bib up to hide behind then pulls it down with a big grin :o) We could hug him all day. Talking of which, Hamish has taken to hugging Finlay and asking for a goodnight kiss from him, long may the brotherly love continue.

Life is busy, busy here. Finlay is on the move more and more and is desperate to crawl. He looks at Hamish running around and just wants to follow him and join in the fun. Richard has him training every day behind his walker, practice makes perfect!

We finally get to go away to Aviemore tomorrow to see the reindeers, take Finlay swimming for the first time and to perhaps go sledging if there is any snow left. We've also found a lovely cottage to visit in June for a week up near Loch Ness.

I have signed up to a flower work shop at Lily West again, so am looking forward to bringing home more dazzling flower creations!! Also started knitting last week, my casting on is not so good, but otherwise it does look like a scarf - whenever I get it out Richard calls me Granny Semple :o( Hopefully by the end of the year I can make jumpers for the boys.

Hope you are all well.
Ali x

Monday 2 February 2009

Where do I start?! Richard and I haven't slept all night in a long time because Hamish and Finlay have been poorly for a few months now. Today it was straight down the doctors and we got some medicine which we hope will make everyone better so that things can get back to normal. A sick baby and a poorly toddler is not a lot of fun :o(

As everyone has been under the weather we didn't get away to Aviemore to see the Reindeers and play in the snow, but we have rebooked to go again in a few week's time. Snow actually arrived today in Edinburgh, lots of it fell but not much of it has stuck. We were all cosy inside while we saw on the news the chaos that a few inches brings to the roads, airports and trains. Rob, we hope you got back from Tokyo ok!

Finlay has started to wave at us, whenever we say 'hi' or 'bye' he waves his arm at us and looks very happy with himself. He also loves to pull his hat and socks off - all baby milestones in his life. Hamish is doing very well with his jigsaw puzzles, if we ignore what he's doing he finishes it without our help. He will soon be as good as his friend Nikolai!

I hope you are all well. I'll try and post some photos on this page soon.
Love and hugs

Friday 16 January 2009

Very exciting week for Finlay, he has started to stand up - with the help of his mummy and daddy! He holds on to our hands and pulls himself up, such a strong boy. Then he stands there and grins at us as only Finlay can.

Hamish has taken to sitting with a book in bed after we've read to him, so most evenings when we go up to check him he has fallen asleep with a book over him.

Can't believe it is the weekend already. Tomorrow we are going to Glasgow to see Richard's Grandad, and afterwards we will take Hamish to the Railway Musuem. He loves all things that have wheels!


Wednesday 7 January 2009

Happy New Year! I hope you all had a lovely holiday and enjoyed Christmas.

We spent Christmas and New Year in Edinburgh, unfortunately we were nursing a poorly Finlay and Hamish for most of it. It wasn't a very sociable two weeks, but it was nice to all be together. It was Finlay's first Christmas and for the most part he enjoyed it - mainly crunching up the wrapping paper. He is so very cute, smiling a lot and lifting his arms up to you so you can pick him up. Hamish had a lot of fun and didn't know what to look at next he had so many gifts to open! New Year was spent hugging Finlay in front of the tv......

We can't believe how fast they are growing up. Hamish is such a little boy now, he chats away to you and doesn't miss a trick. He has now started to say 'because' and his sentences get longer and longer. He still loves cars the most and likes to sing and say his nursery rhymes. He is very fond of Finlay and likes to hold his hand, he can of course be a mean big brother and not share his toys but this is how children are sometimes.

This year Richard hopes to work from home and only travel in the UK. It is great having him around so much as he gets to see the boys every day and of course it is less tiring for me. Although some days we are both so tired we wish they could put themselves to bed!

It is very cold here and we are looking forward to getting rid of the hats and coats and getting outside more. It is going to be an exciting year as Finlay will learn to walk, Hamish we hope will use the toilet very soon (!) and we plan a few trips away. Our first one is to Aviemore to visit the Reindeers at the end of January.

I will write more soon, with bits and pieces about the boys and family life.

Take care
Big hugs
Ali x